Monday, February 16, 2009

Vision To End Abortion

The following email contains a plan to end abortion that came to me during prayer.

Who am I, Michael Anthony 46 father of 6, I live in Texas and attend A Catholic Church

Here is what came to me during prayer/rosary.

Dallas is somewhat known as a city of Death with it's history of the murdering of John F Kennedy and its involvement with Roe V Wade.
Lets continue to make Dallas known as respecting life and someday have Roe V Wade over turned.

We as Catholics need to more aggressive and indentify life in the womb after conception by having annunciation days.
Mary went to Elizabeth and announced that she was pregant with child and the baby in Elizabeth Leaped for joy.
At this time the only Official Document we have to recognize a new life in the church is The Baptism Certificate of a Baby, Lets take it one step further and in the same way we process a baptism certificate,lets process a Annunciation Certificate or A certificate of Life . It would go something like this. We would welcome the new life in the womb as we welcome new converts into the church, we would have a more visual/reality look for the whole world to see in every mass possible. We need to acknowlege life by our words and deeds not just by our prayers, then every young person growing up in the church will see how precious life is, if we make a big deal about it.

If we give the new parents a certificate of life for each child, the names could be filled out a later time and start being matched up against the Baptism certificates.

If a mother looses a child after the certificate of life was given to her, just think how much more comfort she would have to know that this Child was given to God in the Womb.

The Church has a history of recording events that over time the world adopted and made these documents part of their records in their courthouses/goverments etc.... such as
Marriage Certificates,Death Cerificates and many more.

These Certificates of Life would just not be documents produced in Word, but Official Documents Blessed by the Holy Father. The Church would also see and follow the growing number of Catholics who would soon be born into the Body of Christ. I know this would produce more paper work for the Church, However LIFE is worth it .

In closing, While traveling to American from Africa slaves were throw off of ships,because the ship was over weight or traveling slowly. Missionaries would tell the slave trader not to kill some slaves because they had just been Baptized into Christ and show them Certificates of Baptism, these slaves lives were saved.

I pray someday that Roe V wade be overturned by some holy Lawyer who would start using the certificates of life that The Catholic church would produce as evidence to a court that Life exist at Conception and that they are just as important as every other certificate that the Church has produced in it's 2000 year history.

Gods will be done.

Michael Anthony


  1. I would love to see this, Michael. You might really be on to something here.
    Sign me up for six Certificates of Life.

  2. That's a great plan, Michael! I'm not Catholic - I'm Independent Baptist. But having certificates of life on hand to give someone when they first announce their pregnancy is a wonderful idea! My husband is a pastor, and we definitely WILL do this in our church!

  3. Wonderful News ! Keep shinning the Light of Christ! God Bless you.

